Friday, August 3, 2012

Mom post

OK, confession time :)

 This blog would not exist if it were not for my persistent children and my wonderful husband who is in favor of keeping a journal.
 I chaffed at the idea, thinking, it takes way too much time to figure it out.
 I'm a novice when it comes to technology.
I really am not a writer.

 But, somehow it happened, and since it is up and running, it demands that I post.
Though it was intended for my children do the pictures and writing, I think that i'll have to enter an occasional update. 
It needs multiple view-points, don't ya think?

Welcome to the dining room, complete with storage under the benches that happens to be packed to the gills with sleeping bags and pillows under one and canned goods and water supply under the other. please enjoy this rare tranquil moment with me, as it will actually be a bed most of the trip.
My kitchen on wheels for the next week. The lovely little gift box was just hand delivered by my dear friend Melanie Todd, who would love to be a stowaway, and whom I will miss.

Ahh... and our bedroom, that will be such a welcome sight after a long day of hiking.


Clothes packed - check
Food in the frig and freezer - check
Loads of activities for the many road hours - check
Look over the garden for last minute veggies to stow away - check
Two loads of laundry ( Oh, and one more due to a wet bed), hung on the line - check
Wash and stem grapes for family gathering this evening - check
Clothes laid out for tomorrow - check
look over list one more time.

1 comment:

  1. How CUTE!! Blessings of peace and joy for your weeks ahead. We'll be glad to see you when you return! Go with God! ~The T. Hess'
