Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dear diary,

Yesterday, Daddy said we were going to hike a trail, and if we were, we should be up there by eight O'clock. But as it so happened to be we were up there by nine and got a parking spot even though the sign said "full". We needed to be there early to get a parking spot because we were hiking a popular trail. We decided to go up Hidden Lake trail which was about 1.5 mile long that included snow, fascinating waterfalls, and goats (that includes a kid). Just a worth it trip when you get to your destination of a calm and peaceful, aqua lake. We stayed a little while and had some snacks and took some pictures. We thought about hiking another trail, but went to Lake McDonald instead and then to some awesome waterfalls. After that we headed for camp. We were tired.
                                                                                               Love, Shiloh

One reason we were late. Needed to get some good nourishment.


A much need drink on our hike.

Our animal of the day ~ a mountain goat

Like father, like son.

Playing in snow on a 80
degree day

Lovin it

Look, I'm walking on water!!

One of the 550 pictures taken today!!!

We squeezed this one in before our battery went deader than a doornail.